Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sock Summit Was GREAT

This last weekend has gone too fast and it was everything that I hoped it would be and more. You know how you are so excited for something and then let down, Sock Summit went over the top and was 5 time more then I could have anticipated. From the classes, to the marketplace, to the people around you, this was more then you could imagine. This post is going to be very heavy with picture.
Gena and I went down on the train, here is a small poster I made so she could find me and other knitter could join us and knit the whole way down. After arriving in Portland we made our way to the Max and to the hotel and to registration. The conventions center looked great here is a picture of the Center with Sock Summit 2009 posters hanging outside it. When going into the building you where greeted with more SS 09 posters and lots of knitters people knitting all over. They had tables set up all over so you could sit and knit and visit. We received our badges and we sat down and started to knit. We then instead of knitting people watched. We say Stephanie Pearl McPhee, Tina Newton, the Ravelry people. We seen people we thought we knew but we're not sure of who they are.

Day 1 of Sock Summit, we didn't have classes. But the Marketplace opened at 4:30 and we wanted to be there for that. So we sat and knit and watched people set up their boothes. I had to wipe the drool off my face continuously. The yarn was calling my name nonstop. At about 4 pm we where asked to leave the area that we where sitting and asked to get in line. We where in the front. The marketplace need a few more minutes so we got to sing a song, One hundred bottles of beer on the wall. Quickly Stephanie ran up and changed the song to----- One hundred skeins of yarn on the wall one hundred skeins of yarn you take one down pass it around 99 skeins of yarn on the wall. Come on everyone join in so we sang. Finally the marketplace opened, imagine a thousand yarn deprived knitter wanting the same skein of yarn. OMG it was crazy but fun. I think about half of the knitters had the same idea as Gena and I did, we have to get to Yarny Goodness first. They had 3 or 4 of the indy dyers that we wanted. That were in the Dye for Glory contest. But alas, we didn't get the one we wanted but we did score, 2 skeins each from Knit Witch, Brewtopia and Portland Rain. I'll show you all the yarn later.

This marketplace was great, beyond words we wondered around and made some purchases, made some more purchases. After 2 hours we where both in sensory overload. Our minds went blank, we could not function any longer. The yarny fumes fill our minds and put us in to a yarn heaven, all our sense where in true overload and we didn't know what to do next.

Day 2 we had our first class, Basic spindle spin, our instructors were, Abby Franquemont & Denny McMillan. This was a great class and we both enjoyed it and we are now spinning and once we got it, wow it was great. Here is a picture of Denny, Gena and Abby. We talked to everybody we seen with a spindle to glean them for more information so we could understand more. And now we both are spinning.
After class we went to the book signing and got signatures from Cookie A, Cat Bordhi, Nancy Bush, Charlene Schurch, and Stephanie Pearl-McPhee, they had more authors there but you can carry only so many books.
Day 3, we took a 6 hour class Sock Heels given by Heather Ordover. We learned the Dutch, French, German, Welsh and a Sherman Heel. I wanted to learn the Sherman and the Welsh. I liked the Welsh fit the best I just have to remember to make it. The Sherman is an easy short row heel. I'm glad we took the class, we learned a lot now I just have to recall it all. In our lunch break of that day we went to one of the ballrooms and attempted to break a Guinness Book of World Records. To have the most knitters knitting at one time on two needles not 4 but 2 in your work. The last record was set in Australia with 250 some knitter. So sure we can beat that. Here is a link to a quick video about us I thought it was a good article and all. http://blog.oregonlive.com/knitting/2009/08/video_at_sock_summit_knitters.html
After class we did some more shopping but not much.
Day 4 Our last day, we had Toe Up for the Stubborn. We where taught by Debi Barnhill. She was a great teacher. We learned how to do a toe-up sock with a gusset, heel turn and a flap. I have tried to do this but just couldn't grasp the whole concept of it. We learned the math of this heel and how to do it. We didn't have the time to actually knit. So on the train home I did it, it was great.
After getting home I was tired and a little sad it was all over. But there is good news from what I hear there will be a Sock Summit 2011 so start to save money. I hope to see you all there then.
We got to meet Woolgirl Jenn, Mama LLama, Miss Babs, Hazel Knits Wendee and so many great vendors, teachers, and people, I can't tell you how wonderful this weekend was and that I wish you all could have been there maybe next time.
I'll post yarn pictures later today my fingers are getting tired of typing.
Happily knitting socks, Bye.


Toby said...

Hi Bev! Thanks for the GREAT run down on Sock Summit. You made me almost feel like I was there - though try as I might I don't think I can 100% know what it would be like to be surrounded by so much yarn without being there. I'm also so glad to hear you say it was everything you could have hoped.

I look forward to your next post about your yarn purchases. :)

debi's place said...

Guess one word can sum up my thoughts...WOW